Memo To Camille Paglia
Please shut up. Nobody cares. No rational person could believe the fact that creepy losers don’t have an unlimited supply of sexual partners is some sort of indictment of feminism. And even Maureen Dowd seems to have stopped short of applying this line of reasoning to the VT shootings.
At this point, it seems worth returning to the Editors’ analysis of Paglia’s inexplicable return to Salon:
Points at which she demonstrates her ignorance of the difference between being interesting and being on a job interview: 3 (plugging her unreadable piece-of-shit book; then naming both publishers; finally, celebrating her ghastly old Salon column – which was, oh by the way, THE WORST THING EVER – with the air of Napoleon returning to Paris.)
Episodes of egregious self-aggrandizement: 1 (1940-present)
Moments of unintentional comedy: 1 (complaining that the blogosphere is “numbingly predictable and its prose too often slapdash, fragmentary or drearily prolix,” and then yammering on for another 50,000 words about how geocaching is the Promethean spectacle of Dionysian abandon on a field of mythic American post-feminist manhood and how Madonna has succeeded where Spinoza failed, or whatever.)