I Picked the Right Faux-Centrist Hack…
I’m glad that MY enemy is Mickey Kaus, and not Ann Althouse. Garance:
After the episode, Althouse brought another controversy to my attention, in the shape of a rather nasty personal spat between herself and Scott Lemieux, with whom she apparently has a long-standing beef. So between Ezra’s prior comments at his personal site about the Jessica Valenti episode and the thing with Lemieux, I suspect that’s what she was talking about when she raised the topic of my co-writers at Tapped, and then her voice.
Mickey, as I’ve noted before, has always been quite a good sport regarding criticism from LGM. Indeed, last Bloggingheads he described me as an “enefren”, which is, I think, more or less the same as a “frenemy.” Even if Bob Wright thinks my name is “McFarley”.