Go Blink Yourself
She’s mad. What else can you say?
Scott deals with the substance of Althouse’s current lunacy down here, referencing Jill’s post here and the WaPo story here. See also Lindsay.
So let’s take Althouse’s wrongheadedness as demonstrated. I’d instead like to highlight the more surreal aspect of the affair.
Althouse, in all seriousness, or what passes for it at her site, contrasts the appalling treatment she’s received online to that received by these law students. Here is her account of how she has suffered:
There is a popular blog where that [being name-stolen in a comically obvious fashion, with no intent to deceive anyone as to the commenter’s identity as not-really-Althouse, in the comments section of a comedy blog] is done to me in the comments and openly encouraged. As I noted here, the blogger in question flatly refused to do anything about it….
Lindsay Beyerstein is more upset than I am about the fact that there is a lot of loose talk about peopleon the internet — though presumably not about the dumb, loose talk about me on her own site. She fails to reveal what repressive remedies she has in mind to keep the internet from chattering. But I hope she’ll at least do that “more speech” thing and condemn that blog where they impersonate me all the time — or does she think I deserve it?
(This is all to do with this thing on Sadly No.)
And here’s Jill on what happened to her:
I’ve written about AutoAdmit before, when I found out that they were posting numerous pictures of me, making comments about raping and hate-fucking me, and debating whether or not I was fuckable or a stupid fat bitch.
Like I said, Althouse is simply mad.
Oh, no wait, her blog is “performance art.” Which is really just the polite way of saying “you are doing something strange and disturbing and I would prefer not to look at it anymore, thank you very much.”