And She Rubbed The Pot Roast All Over Her Chest
In addition to explaining the rather obvious problems with the claim that asking a question about the “Jessica Valenti breast controversy” is beyond the pale (“Ann then says that “It was character assassinating to talk about it like that.” Now, maybe I’m slow, but as far as I remember, Ann wrote a post about about Jessica’s breasts. The post was entitled “Let’s take a closer look at those breasts.” In the post, she refers to Feministing as a “breast blog.” Lots of comments ensued. Lots of other blogs picked up the post, and many were critical of Althouse. In other words, there was a controversy.”), Jill gives us the perfect summary of the YouTube meltdown:
Which is one of the reasons that I don’t like Ann Althouse, so I don’t think Garance was all that far off. Well, Ann did not like that answer, and proceeds to completely flip her shit. You really have to watch it to understand. She starts yelling at Garance and shaking her finger, and tells her that “I don’t accept your saying the Jessica Valenti breast controversy. I consider that an insult. — You know, I’m on the verge of hanging up with you for bringing it up that way.”
The look on Garance’s face is priceless. It’s the same look that I probably had when a little girl I was nannying for decided to pee on the floor to get my attention.
Admittedly, for the analogy to be perfect the girl Jill was nannying for would have then berated Jill for assassinating her character by discussing the puddle on the floor rather than assessing the theories about Bill Clinton’s murder of Vince Foster she was expounding at the time of the incident, but close enough to be the last word.
[Video by Chris Clarke.]