A Solemn LGM Endorsement
Although Lawyers, Guns and Money does not typically make endorsements in University of California-Berkeley student elections, the strong qualifications of one candidate in particular have come to my attention. Eric Marshall, candidate, is distinguished by his commitment to strong, competent leadership with the highest of professional standards, and by the fact that I know his sister. A vote against Eric Marshall should be considered a vote against fresh ideas for positive change. Listen to these endorsements:
“My brother would make a much better president than Charlton Heston, for the record.”- Kate Marshall
“Eric Martin is unequalled in general awesomeness. I mean Eric Marshall, that is. I suppose Eric Martin is cool, too.”- Robert Farley
Seriously, though, Eric’s website looks good; he has some good ideas, especially about access and accountability. I have no doubt that he would do an exceptional job for the Berkeley student body.