Horrible. Infuriating. Sad.
Radley Balko (click through for a summary of all the evidence of how much violence has dropped because of the surge) on the Instapundit-approved evidence-free assertions of Patrick Ruffini:
I wish I could say that it’s merely amusing to watch politicians and war supporters play with other people’s lives to save themselves the embarrassment of having wasted so many lives already. “If only we send a few thousand more other peoples’ kids into harm’s way, this whole “remap the Middle East” plan will finally start to materialize. Then you’ll see. We were right all along.”
Alas. It’s not amusing. It’s horrible. And infuriating. And sad.
Exactly right.
…Roy also points out Ruffini’s claim that the media is devoting wall-to-wall overage of Anna Nicole Smith…as a way of deflecting attention from the success of the surge! Yeah, that’s plausible.