In the Sense That Good Charlotte’s Genius Ranges Somewhere Between The Clash and Television
Via Yglesias, how about this from Josef Joffe’s review of the Mark Steyn’s ode to xeonpohibic contempt for liberal democratic values in New York’s most irrelevant financial sinkhole:
Mark Steyn, the Canadian columnist who lives in “blue” New Hampshire, is a true “red-stater” whose genius ranges somewhere between Mark Twain and Ambrose Bierce. He has got punch, wit, and smarts, and if he were teaching in a North American humanities department, they would send him off to “sensitivity training” for life, without parole.
Er, no. But I can imagine thinking Mark Steyn is comparable to Mark Twain if you still think that jokes about “sensitivity training” in “humanities departments” are still fresh and witty in 2006.