"I Hear They Merged And Formed The Standard Republican."
Ah, what to do with The New Republic? On one hand, they giveth biweekly Rick Perlstein. But, boy, does that other hand do an increasing amount of takething. Publishing Bob Kagan is bad enough, but to let him recycle literally the same nonsense he’s “contributing” to The Weekly Standard? OK, but maybe the article is so good it’s worth reading twice? Oh, wait, it’s Bob Kagan:
It is stunning that this administration has attempted to fight two wars and has envisioned other possible interventions with a force clearly inadequate for these global commitments.
Wow, despite all his lofty rhetoric, Bush isn’t willing to sacrifice any spending or his precious, precious upper class tax cuts for the War To Save Civilization By Installing A Theocratic Quasi-State in Iraq. That is stunning! If you just woke up from a lengthy coma that also sapped most of your brainpower.
Julian notes the appropriate Shattered Glass reference.