For the rest of us . . .
. . . December 23 is the holy day of Festivus. Happy holidays, to the extent that such things are possible.
For the ritual Airing of the Grievances, use the comments section. You’ll feel better.
As for myself, my most recent grievance is with Alaska Airlines, whose employees included a most unwanted “prayer card” with my meal the other day as I flew from Seattle to DC. This wasn’t a seasonal card — they include such annoyances every time I fly with them. According to one of my students who works for the airline, the CEO is a religious maniac who believes in the immanence imminence of the Second Coming. According to legend, he insists that at least one pilot on every flight not be a Christian, just in case the Rapture of the Faithful occurs mid-route. While I appreciate his concern for the unsaved — who will land gently only to face years of war and tribulation — I absolutely hate the inspirational prayer cards and would really love not to receive them any more.
(. . . my other grievance is against myself for confusing “immanence” and “imminence.” Too much Festivus meth.)