An Easy Solution
There are problems with claims that abortion takes time away from issues like women’s equality in the workplace, domestic violence, etc.–these things aren’t a zero-sum game. But I think there’s some truth to it. But for the Jews for anti-Semitism Turkeys for Thanksgiving Feminists for Life who are bringing this up, there’s an easy solution: stop trying to ban and regulate abortion. As Amanda says:
If abortion has diverted feminist attention, then whose fault is that? Let me put it to you in simple terms: Do you think that I’d be writing something else right now if Serrin Foster wasn’t out there trying to get abortion banned? Of course I would. Does the fact that I write about FFL mean I don’t write about other things? No. So, reproductive rights activism doesn’t mean feminists don’t spend time and energy on other issues, and if you want them to dedicate more resources to those issues, the first step is to quit trying to ban abortion, which creates the need for the activism you think is diverting attention.
The rest is more blather about not making women choose between family and career, as if the legality of abortion somehow forces you to have one. She never does address the issue of equality between men and women issue and how it relates to abortion, but I suspected that no one was willing to put any money on the chance that she would.