Work! Fight! Breed!
Mark Steyn is channeling Madison Grant again, first in his latest column, in which he explores the Passing of the Great Race:
The “realists” think that “containment” and “stability” are wise strategies. In fact, they’re the absence of strategy. The fertility rate in the Gaza Strip is one of the highest on earth. If you measure the births of the Muslim world against the dearth of Bishop Kate’s Episcopalians, you have the perfect snapshot of why there is no “stability”: With every passing month, there are more Muslims and fewer Episcopalians, and the Muslims export their manpower to Europe and other depopulating outposts of the West. It’s the intersection of demography and Islamism that makes time a luxury we can’t afford.
. . . and then at Powerline, where he responds to Ralph Peters, who believes that Europe’s superior record of genocide and ethnic cleansing will render Steyn’s predictions of “Eurabia” irrelevant. Steyn doesn’t disagree with Peters that fascism will rear its head again — indeed, he defends his ability to foresee the re-emergence of fascism in Europe. Rather, Steyn merely insists that the adherents of the new fascism will be too old and feeble to Do What Needs to Be Done:
As I’ve said innumerable times, the native European population is split three ways: some will leave, as the Dutch (and certain French) are already doing; some will shrug and go along with the Islamization of the continent, as the ever-accelerating number of conversions suggests; and so the ones left to embrace Fascism will be a minority of an aging population. It will be bloody and messy, as I write in America Alone, but it will not alter the final outcome. If you don’t breed, you can’t influence the future.
If we ever had any doubts that the “Islamofascist” ululations of Steyn, Instaputz, the Powerlineans, Hugh Hewitt and others are mere projections of their own tormented, illiberal souls, “debates” like this pretty much settle the hash. As always, Steyn is positively mournful at the thought that young Episcopalians (among other groups) won’t be adhering to their eugenic responsibilities, while the dysgenic Muslim hordes overwhelm a complacent European continent. Utterly convinced that fascism will return, his only apparent concern is that it will be too little, too late.
. . . and for the truly far gone, there’s now Powerline Forum, which appears to maintain the same logical coherence of Little Green Footballs, albeit with fewer grammatical and spelling errors. Genocidal hilarity ensues:
(1) I am afraid my friends, that the vast majority of Americans have also decided to go supine…God, I hope I am mistaken.
(2) Nothing that’s happened in the last several years indicates that today’s Europe has any stomach for the type of conflict that it will take to overcome the Muslim hordes that are pouring in (and then, as Steyn points out, multiplying at a far faster rate wherever they are settled). . . . No, if Peters’ theory is to have any credibility, Europe needs to get off its collective ass in about, oh, the next 10 minutes.”>
(3) Historically, I’d say Peters is right, but I’m not so sure this time around. Europe seems to have lost the will to fight or survive. What will first have to happen is that the people of the various countries will have to toss out their existing governments, dissolve the EU, and then be willing to get their own hands dirty. I’m not very optimistic.
(4) When the time for serious killing arrives I think the Europeans will rediscover the darker side of their nature. They are a splendid and resourceful people who have survived precisely because of that darker side. Make the acquaintance of some African people of European origin if you haven’t a clue what I am talking about. As a Jacksonian American I am never out of touch with that side of my nature so I have no reason to deny that it exists in others and am not fooled by protestations to the contrary.
It’s so good to finally know what goes on in the minds of Powerline readers….