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Lying for Misogyny


The forced pregnancy lobby in South Dakota really is a piece of work. It’s becoming less common to to see campaign ads have outright lies in them (rather than just being cleverly misleading.) The claim that the bill has a health exemption is the most bald-faced (and telling: even in South Dakota, they don’t think a more principled abortion bill could get majority support) lie, but ema points out the claim about “96% of abortions” being for birth control is also nonsense:

Sen. Napoli asserts that, if voters allow the women of SD to make their own medical decisions when it comes to pregnancy termination they are actually voting for…abortion as a means of birth control.

The South Dakota Department of Health, Office of Data, Statistics, and Vital Records (.pdf) report contains no data on birth control use in women obtaining an abortion in SD (a glaring omission, in my opinion). Unless Sen. Napoli is privy to information not available to the South Dakota Department of Health, Office of Data, Statistics, and Vital Records, his statement to the voters of SD that they are actually voting for…abortion as a means of birth control is a lie mistruth.

An aside. The official statistics do contain some data–percentage of patients reporting that they had no previous spontaneous/induced abortion–that might shed some light on birth control use in women having an abortion in SD. [Since we’re going to look at the available evidence and make some assumptions, the best we can do is come up with an informed guess.]

From the report, we note that the majority of patients–86.1%/75.9%–reported that they had no previous spontaneous/induced abortions. Now, assuming that these patients were sexually active, and that the reason they had no history of abortion is because they either 1) didn’t become pregnant because they were using birth control, or 2) did become pregnant (planned or unplanned) and decided to continue the pregnancy, there is no evidence that women in South Dakota are using abortion as a form of birth control.

If Sen. Napoli has any data to the contrary, I invite him to present his evidence and defend his claim. I will be happy to provide the forum, and will publish his defense in full.

Yeah, I think she’ll be waiting for a while on that…

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