Can’t We Reach Out?
Mel Gibson’s anti-semitic tirade wasn’t quite enough to drive away Michael Medved, who wrote at the time:
Rather than driving this tormented, self-destructive, deeply disturbed but vastly talented artist into the arms of active Jew-haters (like his father), wouldn’t it make more sense to try to reach out to him at a moment of vulnerability and disgrace? The Jewish community need not approach the tarnished star with a message of “poor baby, all is forgiven” but it makes sense to offer at least some ladder to help him crawl out of the dank pit he has dug for himself.
I wonder, what could Mel say that would drive Medved irrevocably from his side? Hmm…
Mr. Gibson’s antiwar remarks immediately raised a red flag for conservative fans of his “The Passion of the Christ.”
In a phone interview today, the conservative radio talk show host and columnist Michael Medved said: “If these antiwar comments are the beginning of an ill-considered, organized campaign to get back into the good graces of the Hollywood establishment that gave him the Oscar for ‘Braveheart,’ so he can show he’s not different from them and march arm-in-arm with Sean Penn and Susan Sarandon, there will be a great deal of disgust from the people who have enjoyed Mel’s movies in the past.”
“Hack” doesn’t quite cover it. Nor do “insipid”, or “intellectually dishonest”, or “mindblowingly moronic”.