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Nice Guy Ressentiment: Upping the Ante


In the comments to a post about some ev-psych wankery at the Freakonomics blog, Belle Waring has uncovered someone taking “Nice Guy” self-pity to quite remarkable depths. A taste (and doesn’t his personality seem wonderful):

Any good looking guy knows that women favor ugly men. It is a mystery, just like every single action that most females undertake. Maybe its about their low self esteem, since all good looking women have low self esteem, just look at the supreme arrogance they display, that is really a sign of an inferiority complex. Maybe its about controlling some ugly loser and spending all his cash and treating him like dirt. Maybe its just because they are irrational and there is no answer. I have a great personality, but, I get turned down for some ugly jerk who treats them like a piece of meat, and I am told its because of personality. Women make this judgment on looks alone, they are intimdated of a good looking guy and assume he is a jerk because he won’t bow before them, and they mainly just intimidated since their whole world is based on the supreme superficiality of the reflection they see as they put on their make up. They profit from their looks, exercising a level of power that is so potent and omnipresent that most people do not even see its existence. They primp and priss and strut around like gods, holding a man’s self esteem in the palm of their hand, which they are only to glad to crush to make themselves feel better. The good looking guy pays a dear price for daring to compete with her in her area.

I can at least sort of understand the “why do women date good-looking men who treat them like shit” fallacy–the underlying idea that it’s some sort of cosmic injustice that the your precise attributes are not the ones most valued in the dating market is, while stupid, at least coherent. And I suppose there’s a grain of truth to the idea that people will put up with flaws in a very attractive person they wouldn’t put up with in someone they don’t find attractive (the problem with this is both the tendency to grossly exaggerate this and that there’s nothing wrong with placing a relatively higher value on aesthetic factors; one can also point out that having a good personality puts your aesthetics in a better light.) But “women just want to date ugly jerks” is one I haven’t heard before. When I think about it, though, it really is a logical extension of the Nice Guy whine; if your worldview is based on the idea that you’re God’s gift to women and them stuck-up bitches just don’t know what’s good for them, you might as well take it all the way.

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