Why They Want to Out People
It’s about intimidation. (Note the request for the General’s name; I can’t imagine why he wouldn’t comply!) At any rate, this kind of thing is why the libertarian position on civil rights won’t work.
By the way, in further news about the risible right-wing “Online Integrity” project, Jeff Goldstein now claims with respect to his outing of Thersites (for saying mean things about poor, relentlessly civil Jeffy) and NY Mary (for…absolutely no conceivable reason whatsoever but pure malice):
Second, I cleared this with Josh Trevino, who was administering the Online Integrity Pledge.
Yep, that seems about right. I eagerly await Trevino’s next round of Birchite ravings about how nobody would have perceived the farcical nature of his project without some kind of evil email cabal…