Ruck Falph
I see that the legal arm of reactionary vanity candidate Ralph Nader, not satisfied with installing the most reactionary President since McKinley for, uh, no possible benefits whatsoever, has now succeeded in getting an effective treatment for narcolepsy taken entirely off the market. As Michael Berube noted some time ago, that’s Nader–his direct support for the modern Republican Party is perfectly logical, as he represents the worst authoritarian strands of contemporary leftism:
As his open letter reminds us, Nader is a terrible candidate. Yes, he’s “on the left,” but he belongs to a nasty, authoritarian, crypto-conservative left that wants people to stop playing those violent video games and stop looking at sexually explicit images. HeÂs not too concerned about women’s reproductive rights, as we all know, but he is very worried about the decline of parental authority in Today’s Modern World. Hence his “appeal” to conservatives. (And look again at his praise for the Texas GOP– that’s right, the same Texas GOP that gave you that outrageous mid-term redistricting!)
Which, in this case, manifests itself in going over the line between the immensely valuable and necessary goal of ensuring that consumers are fully informed about the potential risks of taking certain kinds of medication, and simply denying consumers the ability to make tradeoffs even if they are fully informed, which except for much more dangerous drugs is not desirable. Julia has more.