Is It Possible to Lower the Mean Quality of Pajamas Media Bloggers?
If so, I think it’s been done, as Libertas: Conservative Thought (sic) About Film (sic) has been brought into the fold. This reminds me of my favorite of the many risible Apuzzo moments: his earnest analysis of Jarhead’s poster. It’s not just the Stalinist idiocy of examining film posters for nonconformist political messages, it’s that the analysis is inept even on its own terms. His objection is that the poster’s tagline is “welcome to the suck,” which he inexplicably assumes to be some kind of attack on the marines. It’s left to a commenter–who unlike Apuzzo and most of his would-be tough-guy commenters (who, one suspects, are cowering in abject terror in pools of the contents of their involuntarily emptied bladders) actally knows something about the military–to say “[a]t ease, people. “The Suck” is a term of endearment we use for the Marine Corps; it’s not some Hollow-wood slur against the military.” Whoops! These guys couldn’t find their asses with both hands and a map. In other words, they’re perfect editions to the XFL Media fold.
This is why I can’t go along with calling Pajamas Media “Springtime For Hitler” Media. It’s certainly true in terms of quality, but the analogy fails in one crucial respect: Springtime For Hitler made money.
…Alex points out that Roger Simon decided to celebrate this acquisition by imitating the classic Libertas “talk about movies as if they were USA Today op-eds” review.