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Giving New Meaning to the Term "Veil of Ignorance"


Taking the war over The Shape That Hates America to new depths of insanity, John Rawls’ idiot son Alec has come up with a sheer masterpiece of wingnuttery. According to Rawls–a virulently misogynst crank who claims that if you don’t believe that the best way to fight terrorism is to divert resources from fighting terrorism to a counterproductive war, you’re pro-terrorist as well as too “feminine” for his tastes–because “Lines drawn across the tips of these crescents [actually, they are semicircles–ed.] also point almost precisely [you have to like that phrase–is that like being “almost pregnant”?] towards Mecca,” the architect “is an Islamo-fascist. He is one of the enemy, trying to plant an Islamo-fascist memorial on the graves of our murdered heroes. No other explanation is possible.” Particularly amusing is the way that he claims that this semicircle makes the memorial a mosque. Even leaving aside the fact that the semicircle is not an Islamic symbol, he seems to have missed the fact that, say, putting a Star of David in your house doesn’t make it a synagogue. Anyway, this is some world-class wingnuttery, strongly recommended to connoisseurs of the genre. Although I admit this is the downside of the internet: Rawls’ batshit ramblings would be much more charming as a pamphlet written on a typewriter with 3 keys missing someone handed you on the subway. I leave you with Mr. Rawls’ suggestion in TBogg’s comments:

You have to take a screen shot of the site plans (“alt” + “print screen”) and paste it into MS Paint and use Paint’s pixel counting tools. Then you have to compare with the Mecca direction from the great circle calculator above. It’ll take you about 20 minutes. Then you can have something other than a fact-free discussion.

Yeah, I’ll get right on that.

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