The Lubriderm Awards
My own nominees for this prestigious competition:
- Glenn Reynolds for “Ward Churchill is the ‘face of the left!'”
- “Ivan Tribble” for “people with lives, different aesthetic preferences, or tattoos need not apply, and I’ll just move the goalposts so that we can forget I said that stuff and make some spurious arguments about free speech instead.”
- K-Lo, Nat Hentoff, and everyone else who made long-distance diagnoses of Terri Schiavo for truly sick exploitation
- Michael Totten for having an imperialist crush on Christopher Hitchens
- Christopher Hitchens for lamenting the lack of civil discourse surrounding the Iraq War, after claiming that there are “people close to the leadership of today’s Democratic Party who do not at all hope that the battle goes well in Afghanistan and Iraq.”
- Eugene Volokh for “if you use conversion in a sense nobody else uses it, then Teh Gays really are trying to “convert” your kids, which is a major public health concern. But there’s no political significance to these posts; I just find my novel insight that people will sometimes try to have sex with people who are attracted to them endlessly fascinating.”
- Roger L. Simon for 1)XFL Media (TM) and 2)claiming that as long as you don’t actually violate a written contract there’s nothing at all problematic about lying and betrayal.
- Josh “Tacitus” Trevino for hoping that mentioning where I teach several times embedded in his trademark vacuous pomposity might cause people not to notice that he didn’t have a substantive argument. (Bonus: Trevino claiming that Tacitus is a “liberal blog.”)
- Jonah Goldberg for “desperately poor people losing their homes is funny!”
Ah, and I fear this only scratches the surface…
…indeed, Rox reminds us about Volokh’s celebration of torture, while in the linked comments Digby reminds us of Assorcket’s classic “Ghandi and his rabble” post.