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Don’t Forget To Give Your Husband A Permission Slip If You Want To Take A Field Trip To Work


Shorter Charles Krauthammer: The rights of adult women and children are exactly comparable.

Really, it’s remarkable how much more sense the GOP position on abortion makes once we get this out in the open.

There seems to be some confusion among the latest set of GOP talking points about the word that comes before “burden.” Saletan has more. Judd at TP also notes that Krauthammer repeats Alito’s bizarre argument that the law is OK because we can simply assume that women will be willing to commit misdemanors to evade it, and nobody thinks that the state is going to seriously enforce the law anyway. (Omitted: how on earth this can be an argument in favor of the law’s constitutionality.)

Matt also notes that in addition to his awful substantive arguments Krauthammer is also part of the ridiculous new conseravtive “we support Alito because he disagrees with us!” shell game:

One of the more bizarre spectacles in recent days has been the phenomenon of conservative commentators “defending” Sam Alito against liberals’ outlandish “distortions” of his record designed to make people think Alito is hostile to abortion rights (today’s Charles Krauthammer column, for example). The trouble here is that liberals aren’t accusing Alito of being a child molester or something; we’re accusing Alito of supporting long-held conservative goals for the judiciary. Krauthammer is on record as deploring Roe v. Wade and calling for it to be overturned. If he believed that Alito was really innocent of the charges against him, he’d be against Alito.

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