Democrats For Arbitrary Power
As Jane says, a special hall of infamy should be erected to house the five “Democrats” who voted to strip habeas corpus rights, preferably in shackles:
Kent Conrad – North Dakota
Joe Lieberman – William F. Buckley
Mary Landrieu – Louisiana
Ben Nelson – Nebraska
Ron Wyden – Oregon
A very familiar group of names. We have 3 Senators from reactionary states. Then we have Joe Lieberman, whose representation in the Senate from a state that could actually elect someone who doesn’t frequently cast abominable votes remains intolerable. And then we have Ron Wyden, who I would not necessarily expect this from, which is the most dismaying of all.
…and remember that it’s not just non-citizens–the Judiciary Committee as about to hold its second hearings on the gutting habeas corpus Streamlined Procedures Act.