Unintelligent Design
Matt has a damn fine post on the relationship between intelligent design and that other pseudo-scientific theory, supply side economics:
There’s a strong comparison to be made here between Intelligent Design and supply-side economics. Like ID, supply-side is a theory which is notable for the almost-complete lack of support which it has garnered in academia over the years (though, to be fair, supply-siders actually do offer an actual theory, albeit one for which the conditions can always be to declared to have been “imperfect,” or its application “flawed,” and thus avoid facing the reality that their theory is, as economists say, really fucking stupid). As with ID, however, this is entirely beside the point. Supply-side was always first and foremost a cover for a particular cultural and political ideology, one which favors the rich at the expense of the poor, which views business and the making of money as the highest possible human endeavor, and which is inherently suspicious of any attempt to regulate enterprise. In this respect, I’d say supply-side has unfortunately been quite successful. Similarly, ID is a way of using pseudo-science to elevate what is essentially a creationist view to coequal status with the theory of evolution, that is, with actual science, and to have it presented as such to high school students and in the media.
Read the whole thing.