We Have a Winner (of sorts. . .)
By general and self acclaim, Kim Du Toit has won our “America’s Worst Blogger” contest.
I remember once having a long conversation with an idiot student over Du Toit’s awful “pussification” essay. A quick perusal of his “blog” confirms that he fulfills all of the requirements of the selection committee: His blogging is both “rank” and “incompetent”. When I can find more cogently argued, logical, and reasonable arguments six beers into an evening from 6 of 7 patrons at my dad’s favorite sports bar in Nebraska, it means that you’re not making much of a contribution. At the bar, at least I can get drunk.
Congratulations, Mr. Du Toit. You’ve won a lifetime subscription to Lawyers, Guns and Money, as soon as we start charging. To his multitude of readers, I can only ask the following: Who is more pathetic? The sap, or the saps who read him? A decent blogger actually introduces new ideas; he does not simply confirm what you already believed but were too ashamed to verbalize.
UPDATE: Welcome, visitors from Instapundit. Keep it up, and maybe we’ll be able to take out a Blogad. . .