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Regular reader Kat points out that someone has finally stood up to the greatest menace afflicting the University of Washington community; those goddamn Larouchies. Photos here, discussion here.

It is possible that those living in more sane parts of the country may think that launching an anti-Larouche protest is a bit like using a Humvee to squash a cockroach. In Seattle, however, the Larouchies are a real force. They’re all over the UW campus and the University District. Indeed, I’ve even seen a Larouche stand in front of the Post Office in Wallingford. Whether the concentration of Larouchies represents a similar concentration in the population or a conscious decision on the part of the movement to focus on Seattle is beyond my knowledge.

However, I do know that the bastards are damned annoying. They often take up positions right next to the Political Science Department and badger everyone entering and leaving. As far as I can tell, they’ve toned down the anti-royalist rhetoric in favor of warnings of impending economic disaster. Three or four months ago, one placard proclaimed that the entire financial system would collapse within sixty days. Making a specific prediction is not a good strategy for an apocalyptic organization, especially when there are no exclusive benefits to joining said organization. I decided just to wait the sixty days, then join when the financial system collapsed. Still waiting.

Perhaps most indefensibly, the Washington 32nd Legislative District Democrats actually allowed a Larouchie to take the stage at the 2004 district caucus. I’m all for letting the Larouchies blather on in public, but political parties tend to have a specific agenda and space for debate. We would not, for example, have allowed a Republican to speak in front of the meeting. Larouche followers are, if anything, far less representative of the Democratic Party than, for example, Dino Rossi. Although this perhaps goes some distance towards explaining the general ineptitude of the Washington Democratic Party. . .

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