Max Sawicky offers a good timeline of the guest hacks at Instapundit trying to explain away Al QaQaa. It’s a really remarkable sequence of intellectual dishonesty. Uncritically repeat assertions from Drudge or the Moonie Times, and then when they’re proven false just move on to the next attempt to exculpate Bush. And when definitive photographic evidence comes along, ignore that and respond with ridiculous non-sequiturs.
And yesterday, the hack-in-chief returned to, in the midst of trotting out his latest stab-in-the-back theory (when Bush loses, it’s because the media is “in the tank” for Kerry, and at some point he might even provide evidence for this ridiculous claim) cites a Tom Maguire post that, as Sawicky notes, he’s already repudiated.
The good news: it’s pretty obvious they know what’s likely to happen. The desperation is palpable.