Oh, Sully…
Atrios reminds me of something I occasionally forget; that Andrew Sullivan is pond scum:
Sullivan was literally concerned that the “decadent Left” was plotting treason against the country, desiring to aid and abet terrorists. And, with this began the mission by armchair warriors everywhere to do what they imagined was their duty – to hunt down and destroy anyone who was insufficiently enthusiastic about whatever the latest Bush administration policy was. This warblogger mission was, in their eyes, a noble mission. At least as noble as, say, enlisting. Thus began the process of the marginalization of anyone who would seriously question the course of this “war on terror.” Disagreement with the Bush administration became disagreement with “America.” People who were “anti Bush” became “anti America” and “pro terrorist.”
He’s a good writer, and I enjoy his denunciations of the Bush for aesthetic reasons, if no other. We shouldn’t, though, welcome this guy back with open arms. His vitriol against the left is matched only by his myopia about politics in the United States.