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The levels of stupidity


“D-Fence!” “D-Fence!”
“Extended warranty? I can’t lose!”
“Ayn Rand’s philosophical genius is eclipsed only by Ann Coulter!”

This last category, which Moe Sislak (“that’s right–he’s a surgeon!”) didn’t reach, is exemplified by Amber Pawlik. The fine Expos fans at Sadly, No recently linked to this diary entry from the lovely and talented Ms. Pawlik. My favorite passages are as follows:

I’m developing a quality control system for my articles….My quality control system will be a temporary crutch to help take me to a new, better level of writing. I do things by the book – completely by the book with exact measurements – until I reach perfection. This has nothing to do with the content of my articles, which will always proudly remain original, but the style, which needs an upgrade.

It really needs a lot of work. But when you finish, can you send it over here?

I’d like write an article called “Smart but Stupid.” I’ve been doing research for it. It’s an article about how many intelligent people are still stupid. I’m going to define reason and logic in clear times, and the thesis of my article will be that these people understand logic but not reason, which means they are smart but completely detached from reality. Therefore, their intellect and ability to problem solve is completely detached from the world around them. I believe the occurrence of smart but stupid people is a product of the educational system as it is today. Why would they want smart but stupid people? If reason is the process of identifying facts of reality and verifying what actual knowledge is true, a person without this ability can be fed any given set of data and “come to their own conclusions” based on false premises. It’s the most effective way to spread propaganda.

See, some people are smart and smart. Then, there are those that are smart but stupid. Then there are people who try to communicate ideas like this, who are stupid and stupid.

But the best are her future article ideas, full of persuasive, affirmative defenses of the Republic Party:

“Why Democrats Hate Guns and War” – Essentially, they always feel like the underdog, so they feel they will be on the receiving end of a gun or war. Also, they have a view of man as being irrational, therefore they believe that people who have guns will naturally turn them on each other, in a violent way.

“Common characteristics of Democrats” – Liars, thieves, detached from reality, don’t care about their or the country’s self-interest, easily angered, among others.

“Time to Call Democrats for what they are” – It is not the Republicans, but in fact the Democrats who are racists, womanizers, and anti-semites. From Bill Clinton to Democrat-led racist political policy to their hatred of Jews and Israel, it’s pretty obvious Democrats *are* everything they accuse Republican of being.

Wow, I can’t wait! If she weren’t too famous to qualify, she’d be a perfect guest on Tough Crowd with Rupert Pupkin…maybe Dennis Miller would have her on with the monkey.

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