It’s all over
Ugh, now I remember why I avoid reading Dowd. Rob, I understand your animus towards Friedman, but Dowd must go first. Could you write a more vapid, gossipy, content-free 800 words than this to win a bet?
If I might attempt to offer a summary:
Teresa Heinz Kerry is a cold bitch who clearly distains her husband.
No one likes John Kerry.
John Kerry has a crush on John Edwards.
John Edwards is attractive, and has appealing children.
In spite of the previously mentioned facts, Kerry/Edwards are still preferable to Bush/Cheney.
Thanks, Maureen, but I think they can do without your particular brand of ‘endorsement’.
Ehrenreich, on the other hand, is just hitting her stride with an excellent column about Bill Cosby’s obnoxious classism, with is about as dated as his TV show.
Also on the editorial page, this strikes me as wildly overoptimistic. I’m happy to be wrong.