Home / General / BREAKING! Elizabeth Warren Fails to Order Philly Cheesesteak Wiz Wit, is Cancelled

BREAKING! Elizabeth Warren Fails to Order Philly Cheesesteak Wiz Wit, is Cancelled


Here’s a video:

It’s a totally normal video of a normal woman dancing. If you’re ever been to a wedding or anniversary party you’ve seen countless people dance like this. It’s probably pretty much what you look like when you dance if you don’t have formal training.

So you can probably imagine how the faction that seamlessly transitioned from “ACTUALLY Gamergate is about ethics in video game journalism” to “Bernie > Trump > Any other Democratic candidate” reacted:

Ok, but declaring a politician INAUTHENTIC based on some completely banal thing is something anyone who has read and enjoyed a Maureen Dowd and/or Mark Halperin column or had a frontal lobotomy (and obviously there’s some overlap in these categories) can do. This is really taking things to another level:

Elizabeth Warren is DISRESPECTING THE TROOPS by dancing while there are military conflicts happening in the world! How could she! A political campaign should be a grinding, joyless slog, like reading an irony bro Twitter feed! Robinson is a particularly amazing case, in that less than one year ago he was treating Warren as the Sanders ally with similar ideas she in fact is. But that brief period in which Warren pulled ahead of him in the polls seems to have permanently broken his brain. I assume he and the Secular Talk guy are going to spend the next week rooting through dumpsters trying to find evidence that Warren recently put Dijon mustard on a hamburger.

I’ll leave this to another post, but what’s particularly strange is that all of this is oddly insecure about Bernie. He’s an appealing candidate in many ways! He would appear, at this point, to have the best shot of beating Biden. Why do you need to convince yourselves that any not-Bernie is a monster and write this intelligence-insulting shit that has no chance of persuading any persuadable voter?

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