Sanford/Bowles ’20!
Mark Sanford is running for president, and the constituency he’s targeting is apparently the Washington Post op-ed page:
Mark Sanford, former governor of South Carolina and a former US representative for that state, announced Sunday that he plans to run against President Donald Trump in the 2020 Republican primary with the national debt at the center of his platform.
“I am going to get in,” Sanford told host Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday. “I think we need to have a conversation about what it means to be a Republican. I think as a Republican party we have lost our way.”
Sanford — who has long been a critic of the president — announced in July he was considering a run, visited early voting states such as Iowa and New Hampshire, and told Vox’s Tara Golshan he would launch a campaign if he could find enough support.
While other Republicans in the primary race, like former Rep. Joe Walsh, have said Trump‘s behavior drove them to join the contest, Sanford said he wants to run because no presidential candidates are talking about what he finds most alarming: The $22 trillion national debt.
I dunno, I am not a professional politician, but it strikes me that if you’re running for office, running a single-issue campaign on an issue neither voters nor party elites care about at all strikes me as suboptimal. But perhaps he’s received word that the POLITICO Primary is coming back! Or maybe he wants to remain in the conversation in case Rick Scott is the 2024 Republican nominee and wants the ticket to send a clear message about the kinds of judges he’ll appoint.
It shows you just how much the Republican Party hates democracy that they’re cancelling primaries to “protect” Trump from the stiffs challenging him.