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Anti-Vax: The New Republican Movement


I had long associated anti-vax idiocy with the body purity section of the left. Most of us know people like this or know people who know people. I could tell stories but probably shouldn’t implicate specific people, even if I have no respect for them. But these days, while those people still are out spewing their ridiculousness, the Republican Party has embraced anti-vax like they embraced the orange-hewed cockroach in the White House. There’s some real special examples this week. First, my home state of Oregon where Democrats (and a few Republicans) are working toward a mandatory vaccination bill:

Oregon Democrats were just joking about “my body, my choice” while rammimg forced injections down every Oregon parent’s throat. #orpol #orleg #HB3063— Oregon GOP (@Oregon_GOP) May 7, 2019

What is it about Republicans’ obsessions with things rammed down their throats? Wait, don’t answer that.

Now we move to Texas and this guy, who represents a district in the suburbs between Dallas and Fort Worth, a land of very special people.

Texas state Rep. Jonathan Stickland (R) called vaccines “sorcery” on Tuesday while fighting with doctors on Twitter.

It began on Tuesday when he attacked Dr. Peter Hotez, an outspoken advocate for vaccination.

“You are bought and paid for by the biggest special interest in politics,” Stickland tweeted. “Do our state a favor and mind your own business. Parental rights mean more to us than your self enriching ‘science.’”

Hotez responded, “Sir, as you know, I don’t take a dime from the vaccine industry. I develop neglected disease vaccines for the world’s poorest people.”

“Make the case for your sorcery to consumers on your own dime,” the Texas lawmaker replied.

There’s so much to love here. The use of the term sorcery. Putting science in scare quotes. But the best part is that Stickland has also advocated rape within marriage. Of course, he’s beloved and considered a rising star by the Texas oil billionaires who fund the craziness in that state.

But hey, I can see that Joe Biden is right. Most Republicans are good people who are totally willing to negotiate with Democrats for bipartisan governance!

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