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Professional Cover-Up Artist Tries To Create Diversion For Trump


It’s just ridiculous that any reporter takes this guy’s assertions at face value:

Barr’s decision should also be viewed with some skepticism because of the unsolicited 19-page memo he sent to DOJ leadership last summer in which he expressed the somewhat unique view that a president cannot obstruct justice as a matter of law if he is exercising executive power, such as by asking the FBI director to stop investigating a matter or firing him. Barr’s March 25 letter stated that he reached his decision “without regard to, and is not based on, the constitutional considerations that surround the indictment and criminal prosecution of a sitting president,” citing the 2000 Office of Legal Counsel memo regarding prosecution of a sitting president. His letter did not say, however, that he reached his conclusion without regard to the position taken in his 19-page memo. Barr raised further concerns about his objectivity when he referred to the FBI investigation into Trump’s campaign as “spying.” He stated that he would be “reviewing both the genesis and the conduct of intelligence activities directed at the Trump campaign during 2016,” even though a “substantial portion” of these matters are already being investigated by DOJ’s inspector general. Although the FBI’s conduct should not be immune from scrutiny, government officials typically refer to intelligence activities as “surveillance” or “collection.” The use of the loaded term “spying” raises skepticism of his impartiality.

And while he walked back the “spying” charges towards the end, it wasn’t until he had gotten the headlines he wanted:

Barr knows exactly what he’s doing, but a lot of the people covering him aren’t exactly making it challenging to run the scam.

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