Why Do All These White Supremacists Keep Showing Up in Facebook Groups I Moderate?
The Facebook group Ron DeSantis moderated along with (inter alia) white nationalist Corey Stewart has the content you’d expect:
The newly crowned Republican candidate for Florida governor apparently was one of 52 moderators of a Facebook group full of racist, Islamopobic, and anti-immigrant content. The group, which is named “Tea Party” (but not affiliated with any political organizations), has 97,000 members. Other admins of the group include Kelli Ward, the Arizona Senate candidate who lost her primary election yesterday, and Corey Stewart, the “neo-Confederate” running for Senate in Virginia, according to a Twitter thread by Media Matters reporter Natalie Martinez and reporting by American Ledger.
The idea that DeSanits didn’t know exactly what he was doing when — for the first time — he used the phrase “monkey this up” to describe a victory by his African-American opponent is just absurd. This is just what the Republican Party is now.