Home / General / Erik Visits an American (Abroad) Grave, Part 271

Erik Visits an American (Abroad) Grave, Part 271


This is the grave of Jim Morrison.

There’s no point in going over the details of Morrison’s life. He was terrible, The Doors were a terrible band, Oliver Stone made a terrible movie about a terrible band. Morrison was both pretentious and cheesy, a horrifically awful poet who thought he was great. The Lizard King bit was totally stupid. He’s everything wrong with the late 60s. I keep trying to imagine just how bad Morrison would have gotten if he lived. Can you imagine that pure cheese in the late 70s? Morrison during the disco age? It would have a horror show beyond our capability to comprehend.

Basically, if you listen to The Doors and think Jim Morrison is good, you should rethink your life.

I will grant one exception–“L.A. Woman” is actually a pretty good song, as much as I hate to say it.

Agnes Varda, one of the greatest living directors, was one of the few people at Morrison’s gravesite when he was buried. I try not to hold that against her.

Jim Morrison is buried at Pere Lachaise Cemetery, Paris, France.

Good luck blowing your hands off today. Say this about losing a few fingers–less painful than listening to The Doors.

If you would like this series to completely dismiss your favorite band/musician, you can donate to cover the required expenses here. Perry Como is buried in Jacksonville, for example.

Previous posts in this series are archived here.

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