Home / General / But What If We Reach the Bottom of a Slippery Slope We Passed 10 Miles Ago? A Concern Troll By Fred Hiatt

But What If We Reach the Bottom of a Slippery Slope We Passed 10 Miles Ago? A Concern Troll By Fred Hiatt


From the WaPo’s editiorial board’s inevitable argument that a largely LBGT staff were obligated to serve someone whose job is lying to protect someone dedicated to using the coercive authority of the state to deny them equal citizenship:

How hard is it to imagine, for example, people who strongly believe that abortion is murder deciding that judges or other officials who protect abortion rights should not be able to live peaceably with their families?

I find it surprisingly easy to imagine pro-lifers using harassment, threats, and even terroristic violence to advance their goals, almost as if it’s been happening for decades and still is! Why, it’s almost as if conservatives have agency and do not need examples of liberals doing different things for different reasons to do whatever they want anyway!

Anyway, I’m glad that the Red Hen just politely requested that Sanders leave after a discussion with staff instead. (Although I agree that “just make her wait hours, lie to her about what’s on the menu, refer her to outside counsel if she tries to order anything, then walk away while she yells questions” is also a sound approach.) As for the broader substance of the editorial, this:

…also an effective response to this particular variant of Murc’s Law:

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