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Today in American Ethnic Cleansing


It is indeed surprising that the Attorney General who talks about sheriffs as part of our Anglo-American policing heritage would run allow Immigration and Customs Enforcement to run as a fully fascist agency dedicated to ethnic cleansing.

The Tukwila Police Department is trying to reassure those in the immigrant community that it will not respond to “administrative warrants” coming from Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

This comes after an immigrant who called police for help Thursday ended up being turned over to ICE agents.

The Tukwila police department tells me this was essentially an accident — and it happened because a warrant from ICE came down in a format its officers had never seen before.

I’m told its deputy chief spent a long time today reaching out to other police chiefs in our area, making sure other departments are also aware of what they could be seeing from ICE.

The incident has advocates for immigrants worried.

“Every time people hear about this, they’re going to wonder, well, if I call another police department is the same thing going to happen to me?” said Jorge Barón, executive director of the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project.

Thursday morning around 5:30 a.m. in the 4000 block of South 148th Street of Tukwila, an immigrant from Honduras called police for help.

The police department’s spokesman said he was calling because he saw someone suspicious in and around his property.

But within an hour, officers brought the man to ICE offices.

I will give the police the benefit of the doubt here I guess. It seems that they genuinely did not understand what was going on. Maybe. In any case, ICE’s targeting of the easiest to deport immigrants is just going to facilitate violence against them as they now become afraid to call the police. Terrible, terrible times.

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