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A heartwarming Thanksgiving tale

Rocklands Farm – a place that is now high on my places to visit in the near future

The owners of Rocklands Farm in Poolesville, Md., gave Richard Spencer and a klan of his fans la derriere velocite when they discovered he was holding an event on the property.

Why was he allowed on the property in the first place? Certainly not by lying or deceiving, insisted the dapper lawn grub.

A weekend conference organized by white nationalist Richard Spencer was shut down after the owners of the Maryland farm he rented discovered he was behind the event.

The think tank that Spencer leads, the National Policy Institute, hosted the conference for about 100 people at Rocklands Farm, a winery and events venue in Montgomery County. Spencer said in an interview that a third-party logistics company contacted Rocklands Farm on behalf of the National Policy Institute this month and didn’t reveal that white nationalists were affiliated with the event when they booked it. The company told the farm’s management only that it was a “corporate” gathering, according to Spencer.

So either he lied to the event booking organization or told the organization to lie for him. But he himself never lied to Rockland Farms.

And his honesty was rewarded. Rather than being told no at the booking stage and finding another venue and having his white wank off session undisturbed, he and his fellow scumbags were told no halfway through the event. I really hope there is video.

The conference started about 11 a.m. Sunday and was scheduled to continue until 8 p.m. Caterers at Rocklands Farm served brunch, and participants recapped 2017. At about 4 p.m., Spencer said, someone working the event learned that Spencer was there, and management told everyone to leave.

Rockland Farms returned his money, but I’m thinking it will be a while before attendees get their $225 back. According to the article the were taken to another private venue outside of D.C. – probably the white worm’s lair in Alexandria – and then out to dinner.

I do think it is a good sign that Spencer has to hide behind a white sheet the name of his organization and a third party before he can darken a threshold. Only to be thrown out once someone recognizes him. But is he mad? Not at all, he false equivocated.

“I’m not mad, but if I were a business owner, I would not do that,” Spencer said. “If communists came to my establishment, but they were civilized, I couldn’t imagine kicking them out. So I’m certainly disappointed, but we are not going to retaliate. It’s just life in 2017 for us.”

Yes, they just want to stand around waving tikkki torches while shouting that Jews will not replace them. And then maybe whip themselves into a violent frenzy because all they want is a little lebensraum of their own, but the horrible mud folk are somehow preventing them from setting up an all-white paradise somewhere. But they’re not uncivilized.

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