There Can Never Be Peak Cillizza, But…
This is something written by someone who makes (at least) a six-figure salary to write about politics:
Which brings me to a new feature I am going to do every day between now and whenever we get a Senate vote on the health care bill: An emoji-based assessment of the chances of the health care legislation passing.
There are three options: 1) Smiley face (good chance of passage) 2) Meh face (50-50-ish chance) and 3) Sad face (less than 50% chance). Every day I’ll write a post with an emoji update of the bill’s chances.
That the happy face emojis signify the widespread-suffering-death-and-financial-ruin scenario is a nice touch. And hey, since he’ll have insurance either way and the only question is whether he’ll get a big tax cut, why not?