Home / "serious" conservative thought / “If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.”

“If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.”


The courtiers of the Valencia of Versailles, N.W., want everyone to know that His Trumpiness knows things that no one else knows about his wiretapping conspiracy theory. So there.

Also, the WH’s declaration that it wouldn’t discuss the matter until Congress finished its investigation of the wiretapping CT has gone the way of his promise to stop Tweeting if he was elected.

President Donald Trump’s top communications officials are vaguely suggesting that the president possesses classified information supporting his thus-far unsubstantiated accusation that President Barack Obama ordered wiretaps of Trump’s phones during the 2016 presidential campaign.

“Let me answer that globally,” Conway replied. “He’s the president of the United States. He has information and intelligence the rest of us do not. And that’s how it should be for presidents.”

He has pertinent information that support his claims (maybe), but Congress has to investigate his claims. BecauseĀ  tRump’s information is a special, great, beautiful – just fantastic the best – presidential secret knowledge, and Congress must prove itself worthy by finding it without any help from him.

Similarly, in an interview on the “Today” show, NBC’s Savannah Guthrie asked Trump spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders whether the tweets in which Trump made the wiretap accusations over the weekend were based on a Breitbart News roundup of existing media reports that did not offer conclusive evidence of the wiretaps’ existence.

“I haven’t had the chance to have the conversation directly with the president, and he’s at a much higher classification level than I am, so he may have access to documents that I don’t know about, but I do know that we take this very seriously, and we think it should be thoroughly reviewed and investigated,” Sanders replied.

And James Comey opens another bottle of booze. As an aside, I wonder if he can see the RFK Department of Justice building from his office? Perhaps Sessions’ office faces his office in the Hoover horror. That would be funny.

Also funny, people sticking the verbal equivalent of a rake in front of Napoleorange’s goons and watching them step on it.

When asked by ABC’s Martha Raddatz whether it was appropriate for the president to tweet potentially classified information, the spokeswoman dismissed the claim.

“I don’t think he’s tweeting out classified information,” Sanders said. “He’s talking about, ‘Could this have happened? Did this happen?'”

In other words, Presidential Trump was JAQing when he tweeted things like

Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my “wires tapped” in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!

No, that’s a statement. The Republican-controlled Congress will do nothing about it, but Presidential Trump Tweets Classified Information, Chaffetz Silent (for once), is a another line of attack for everyone who opposes the GOP.

Here is sort of a question. But it’s a leading question with a typo and minus a question mark.

How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!

There are several possible explanations as to why Tromp isn’t letting this die down, but I stick to my theory that he’s an abuser.

He is always looking for reasons to make people suffer, those people have to be near him so that he can enjoy the full benefits of being an abuser, and surprise outbursts that require a lot of scrambling on their part are a great, hands-off way to spread the unhappiness.

This doesn’t mean the rest of the planet is safe, or that his lackeys are comparable to the victims of domestic violence, but it helps to understand why this sort of turmoil is going to be a hallmark of the next four years.

Here’s a great example of the cycle from an article that ran in the WaPo this weekend. This excerpt details how the weekend went after the latest TweeterTantrum.

That night at Mar-a-Lago, Trump had dinner with Sessions, Bannon, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly and White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller, among others. They tried to put Trump in a better mood by going over their implementation plans for the travel ban, according to a White House official.

People attempt jolly the horrible old creature into a better mood so he won’t wreck more things. Quick, talk about how to make life even worse for people who are immigrants or look like immigrants or just happen to come across an exceptionally dickish CBP agent when they enter this country, he loves that!

Trump was brighter Sunday morning as he read several newspapers, pleased that his allegations against Obama were the dominant story, the official said.

The beast is briefly soothed.

But he found reason to be mad again: Few Republicans were defending him on the Sunday political talk shows. Some Trump advisers and allies were especially disappointed in Sen. Marco Rubio, who two days earlier had hitched a ride down to Florida with Trump on Air Force One.

Nope, back to Rraaaarrrrrr!

And the courtiers dash for the cameras so they can say something that will in theory make him look like less of an erratic lying dolt. Perhaps that will negate any rage that may have been caused by some of today’s front pages.



USA Today.

But I doubt it.

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