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What the (bleep) wasn’t plagiarized?


Monica Crowley is the latest Trumpler who isn’t ready for the scrutiny that comes with a high-powered political appointment. Naturally, Team Trump expects everyone to avert their eyes.

Conservative author and television personality Monica Crowley, whom Donald Trump has tapped for a top national security communications role, plagiarized large sections of her 2012 book, a CNN KFile review has found.
The review of Crowley’s June 2012 book, “What The (Bleep) Just Happened,” found upwards of 50 examples of plagiarism from numerous sources, including the copying with minor changes of news articles, other columnists, think tanks, and Wikipedia. The New York Times bestseller, published by the HarperCollins imprint Broadside Books, contains no notes or bibliography.


Trump’s transition team is standing by Crowley.

“Monica’s exceptional insight and thoughtful work on how to turn this country around is exactly why she will be serving in the Administration,” a statement from a transition spokesperson said.

Those exceptional insights she copy/pastes from other people will serve the country well. I bet past national security officials will enjoy hearing her quote them verbatim. It will be such an honor.

“HarperCollins—one of the largest and most respected publishers in the world—published her book which has become a national best-seller.

An excellent example of an appeal to authority combined with a not-so-subtle attempt to slide the blame onto HC’s plate.

Any attempt to discredit Monica is nothing more than a politically motivated attack that seeks to distract from the real issues facing this country.”

Public scrutiny of public figures – Unfair!

I think the fact that a bunch of crooks, liars and Russo-puppets (Venn Diagram Overlap > 50%) are about to move into the White House is a real issue facing this country, but I assume Team Trump means the fact that more Americans are able to afford health care or someone from Central America might come here and take a shit job for pennies on the dollar. Horrible things like that.

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