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Wikileaks exposes yet another Clinton email scandal



This one is a little complicated, but try to follow along:

From:[email protected]

To: [email protected], [email protected]

Date: 2014-07-28 12:35

Subject: Climate Progress In Action

In March, Nate Silver hired Roger Pielke, Jr. to write about climate change for his new website. Pielke basically has made a career of “accepting” climate change but disputing that we can really do anything about it or that it has much of an impact. The new 538 was perhaps the most hyped website to launch in years — and it’s partnership with ESPN gave it the potential to reach a broad new audience.

Prior to Pielke writing anything, ClimateProgress published piece reviewing his disputes with climate scientists and the problems with his approach. The piece included numerous quotes from climate scientists: http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2014/03/19/3415984/nate-silver-science-writer-ignores-data/ Quickly, Pielke wrote a piece questioning the link between climate change and extreme weather. Within hours, ClimateProgress published a comprehensive debunk, with quotes from many prominent climate scientists: http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2014/03/19/3416369/538-climate-article/

Pielke was so upset with our piece, he called the scientists we quoted and threatened to sue them. Silver was forced to apologize: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/28/fivethirtyeight-climate-change-dispute_n_5049279.html?

Embarrassed, Silver was forced to publish a rebuttal to Pielke piece by an actual climate scientist, which was also devastating: http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/mit-climate-scientist-responds-on-disaster-costs-and-climate-change/ Pielke never wrote another piece on climate change for 538. Today, he confirmed that he left the site because Silver wouldn’t publish his stuff any more: http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/collideascape/2014/07/28/roger-pielke-jr-fivethirtyeight-climate-critics/#.U9ZZHPldWSq

I think it’s fair say that, without Climate Progress, Pielke would still be writing on climate change for 538. He would be providing important cover for climate deniers backed by Silver’s very respected brand. But because of our work, he is not. I don’t think there is another site on the internet having this kind of impact on the climate debate. Thanks for your support of this work. Looking forward to doing even more in the coming months.

— Judd

The sordid details: Roger Pielke, a University of Colorado professor, wrote a piece about climate change for FiveThirtyEight. ThinkProgress then published an article criticizing Pielke’s piece. Subsequently, FiveThirtyEight published a rebuttal to Pielke’s piece. ThinkProgress editor Judd Legum then sent the above email to billionaire environmental activist Tom Steyer.

A copy of this email ended up in John Podesta’s gmail account, which was hacked by Wikileaks.

Summing up:

(1) ThinkProgress decided to violate Roger Pielke’s First Amendment rights by criticizing his views.

(2) It then forced FiveThirtyEight to publish a piece criticizing Pielke’s views.

(3) Judd Legum knows Tom Steyer, and their email correspondence ended up in John Podesta’s inbox.

I think it’s fair to say that all this raises TROUBLING QUESTIONS about Hillary Clinton.

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