“Dinner? I think I’ll pass.”
When trying to defend the one of his three disqualifying statements yesterday that finally seemed to slap Republican and media elites accross the head and compel them to say “My God, what have I done?,” Trump leaned on the idea that his comments about how he enjoyed sexually assaulting women with impunity were just “locker room talk.” Some of his remaining apologists have gone down the same road. Oddly, I have been in many locker rooms where people were able to avoid talking about how sexual assault was awesome. But perhaps I’ve just led a sheltered life:
“Are his words perfect? Absolutely not,” Lewandowski said. “Is this defensible? I don’t think so.” But he praised Trump for apologizing “if anyone was offended” and said “we want a leader who is going to lead America, and is that rough sometimes? It is.”
“He speaks from the heart,” Lewandowski added. “He speaks the way many times people talk around their dining room table.”
I dunno, call my existence sheltered, but I can’t say “it’s great when you can sexually assault women and nobody can do anything about it” has ever been a topic of conversation around any dining table I’ve been seated at. But I’ve never sat down for a Big Mac with Donald Trump, so…