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Conservative SM


Conservatives have been complaining that the internet is unfair to conservatives since about two seconds after AOL pressed its first disk. (Halp halp! These search results contain information that conflicts with my world view!)

And because the internet (or some aspect of it) is plainly out to get them, they’ve been threatening to build their own special conservatives-only, no lieburuls allowed internet and leave. But they haven’t. Now, a new social media platform by conservatives, for conservatives and of conservatives could lead to an exodus.

To the great consternation of conservatives, the Obama years have demonstrated, if there was any doubt, where the political sympathies of social-media giants such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter really lie.

Cody Brown wants to do something about that.

Brown is the founder of Codias (co-DIE-us), “the social network for conservatives,” which launches today. “There’s been a historic divide between technology and politics, particularly for the conservative movement,” he says. “We hope our platform will begin to fill this void.”

Codias advertises a “revolution in your hands.” “Tired of losing the culture?” the website asks on its homepage. “We equip conservatives for modern political warfare.” For Brown, “it’s a means for conservatives to find and communicate with each other and mobilize each other to achieve common objectives, and really for the first time.”

Codias (the person, not the platform) has worked on Rick “Santorum” Santorum’s campaigns and is also the founder of Codias, not the platform or the person:

an organizational design company that designs and builds startups for entrepreneurs and candidates

I can’t get the site to load. That may be my computer deciding that a trip to NRO is is enough stupid for one day, but it could be that every conservative in America has gone stampeding over there. Which … would be a shame. Because that would really piss off the liberals.

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