Alan Grayson is an embarrassment. That some progressives still hold to him as some sort of model is also embarrassing. I mean, if you like your left-leaning politicians to be blowhard hedge-fund managers who hate paying taxes and have outsized egos, I guess he’s your man!
The hedge fund manager boasted that he had traveled to “every country” in the world, studying overseas stock markets as he fine-tuned an investment strategy to capitalize on global companies’ suffering because of economic or political turmoil.
But the fund manager had an even more distinctive credential to showcase in his marketing material in June 2013: He was a “U.S. congressman,” Representative Alan Grayson, Democrat of Florida, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Now he is also among the leading Democratic candidates for one of Florida’s United States Senate seats.
This highly unusual dual role — a sitting House lawmaker running a hedge fund, which until recently had operations in the Cayman Islands — has led to an investigation of Mr. Grayson by the House Committee on Ethics.
The whole thing is super sketchy–Congressman/hedge fund manager basing his operation out of the tax haven Cayman Islands while losing money. At best, he’s slippery. At worst, he’s a criminal. Either way, this is not a person progressives should look to as a candidate.