Republicans and Latino Voters
Bored journalists desperate to create horse-race stories for the 2016 elections can pretend that Republicans could woo Latinos in sizable numbers. We see stories like this pretty much every cycle (the 2012 Latino vote was a total wild card! OK!!!) And maybe they could except that the primaries are going to be a clown show of nativism and hate, with Republicans who say they support a path to citizenship attacked from the racist right that is the party’s base. Maybe if Rubio or Jeb win the primary, that can be swept under the rug, but the number of extremist quotes coming out of the Republican primaries on immigration are going to be astounding and will provide a lot of fodder for Democrats on both the national and state level.
Of course, if Republicans get their way, treating Latinos as non-persons in politics will be a lot easier, mitigating this problem a bit.