New Opening for an Unpaid Intern…
We live in a world where Mickey Kaus quits his job because Tucker Carlson spikes a column arguing that Fox News is insufficiently hard core on immigration and amnesty:
“It’s pretty simple,” Kaus said in an interview, “I wrote a piece attacking Fox for not being the opposition on immigration and amnesty — for filling up the airwaves with reports on ISIS and terrorism, and not fulfilling their responsibility of being the opposition on amnesty and immigration…. I posted it at 6:30 in the morning. When I got up, Tucker had taken it down. He said, ‘We can’t trash Fox on the site. I work there.'”
Mickey rejected the Democratic Party [ed- don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, Mickey! Amirite?] because it was too far to the left on immigration; he’s now rejecting the Republican Party because it’s too far to the left on immigration. The true visionary always wages a lonely struggle…