“That’s the real question isn’t it: why? The how and the who is just scenery for the public.”
Shorter Verbatim Naomi Wolf: “A Pakistani lawyer who is a fourth-generation scion of a major Pakistani political family explained what I keep hearing from many parts of the plugged in educated elite of the Middle East: ISIS, he said, is grassroots Wahabism – the extreme and brutal “version” of Islam (many moderates say it bears no likeness to Islam.) But these grassroots, uneducated, extremist people are funded heavily by a) Saudi Arabia b) Israel (!) and c) America.”
And don’t kid yourself, that American funding must be comeing from the evil feds, not our benevolent local overlords. And surely Ed Snowden is involved somehow.
…I should also say, for those who haven’t seen it, that I’m sort of burying the lede here: Wolf has strongly implied that the ISIS beheadings were staged and both the victims (“just happened to go into humantarian work?”) and their parents are actors.