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The Stupidest Argument About Immigration Written in the 21st Century


Arguments against immigration reform are usually pretty bad. Racism is at the heart of most, sometimes couched in dog whistles like “culture” or the Republican “they won’t vote for us because we’re racist so let’s not allow them a path to citizenship.” You don’t hear too many arguments anymore about immigrants stealing our jobs, though it’s still a commonly held belief among some working-class people. But unions also know that there is no more pro-union group than immigrants and it is in their interests to support sensible immigration reform.

But sometimes you get an argument against immigration so full of hate and so laughably over the top that you just have to point it out. Such is the case with Ying Zh-Ye’s column at PolicyMic. Arguing that so-called “amnesty” would destroy the United States “financially and politically,” Ying’s collection of self-refuting arguments, right-wing strawmen, and nuttiness producers a real winner of an article. This is my favorite part:

Many immigrants have deep scars from socialism. They know how their home countries turned into one-party communist countries many years ago. They also learned, as a part of Asian history, how elite people were humiliated and tortured, little by little, begging for their rights, dignity, and properties. Unfortunately, America is not immune from turning into a socialist country if it imports large numbers of low-income immigrants to change its political landscape.

There will be little or no way for highly skilled immigrants or wealthy Americans to prevent future tax hikes or social injustice against them, when they are increasingly outnumbered by others. It may eventually become a better choice for them to leave this country. The U.S. then will be on a pathway to socialism.

Immigrants are fleeing socialism. If we let immigrants into the United States, that socialism they are fleeing is the inevitable result!!

Also, immigrants will convince rich Americans to migrate to other countries, turning the United States into a 3rd world socialist hellhole.

I look forward to hearing Jefferson Beauregard Sessions and Jim Inhofe repeat these arguments on the Senate floor during the immigration bill debate this month.

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