Couple of thoughts about Rand Paul’s marathon filibuster.
First, it should go without saying that Rand Paul is not on the side of progressives for any reason. Even on drones and extrajudicial killings, his motives are evil. That said, sometimes you have to ally with evil people to have a conversation. At the very least, Paul is getting people talking about these issues and forcing the Obama Administration to respond, even if in a hilariously dismissive way. At the same time, it’d be nice if the anti-drone people also recognized who Rand Paul is and how he is not their friend.
Second, even if real filibuster reform required marathon speaking sessions like this, don’t think it will actually stop Republicans from doing it. It’ll be a masculinity competition for them–who can speak the longest about the most arcane issue and hold up the government from conducting its daily business. So long as the filibuster remains, they will go to these extremes. And John McCain saying it’s silly will only encourage Paul and Crazy Ted Cruz and Jefferson Beauregard Sessions and Inhofe to do so more.
Third, I’d like to thank Carl Levin and Dianne Feinstein and Joe Manchin and the other Democratic Senators who put their future prerogatives over governing the country by opposing meaningful filibuster reform in January. At least the outstanding Jeff Merkley continues his fight.
…..In case anyone is unclear why Rand Paul is a fraud.